Hiro's Dream

Posted on 2013-07-10 by nakajima

●English version● 目に見える物を描く必要性から解放されたアートがある….そのアートとは全く異なった環境の作者によって作られたストーリーとの組み合わせはどうだろう。。。そう、音楽を聞きながら童話にふれるような…。Midori McCabeさんのアートと中嶋徹氏によるメルヘンの世をどうぞ…

 Hiro’s Dream

Image by Midori McCabe        Story by Tohl Nakajima



Hiro is a little lonely.

No friends.

But tonight

He feels expectant.

“Where am I?

Why are there so many stars?”

Hiro asked himself.

He saw the beautiful starry sky as if for the first time


A fox came from over there.

The fox looked at Hiro

and ran to him happily.

Hiro was not interested,

“Oh don’t bother me, fox”

He kicked it away.

The fox slinked away with a low sob.


a very beautiful woman is walking towards him.

She is singing

in a heavenly voice.

Hiro has never seen

such a beautiful woman

He could feel his heart bumping.

Hiro was very shy

but is determined to speak to her.

“What should I do. Shall I speak to her..?”

While he was making up his mind

She looked at Hiro

and went away leaving a smile.

Hiro was both relieved and regretfu

at the same time.

Here comes

an old man with a white bear.

He also goes away

with leaving a smile.


Hiro saw a place

shining with light;

There seemed to be many people there.

Going there,

he found people

singing and dancing,

including the fox he had rejected.

But it was not a fox

but the little dog “Poco” which Hiro used have at home.

There was the beautiful woman;

But, looking at her closely,

he saw she was his mother when she was young.

She was still smiling like before;

and there too was the old man.

He was Hiro’s grandpa

who had passed away just last year.




 all are looking at Hiro

with gentle affection.

“This must be a dream..”

Hiro woke up then.

Looking out the window,

he sees the morning sun.

Hiro is filled with nostalgia

and tenderness..


a teardrop rolls down

from his eye.

(the end)




アートはアメリカ在住の作家Midori McCabeさん。ストーリーは東京在住の中嶋徹氏による創作童話。
抽象絵画をもっと親しめるものに….。親子で楽しめる抽象絵画の絵本があってもいい….。Midori McCabeさんも、この考えに共感してくれた事がスタートでした。


(Yoshiyuki Nakajima)

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