Toraji Hiroyuki Suzuki 鈴木 寅二啓之
Posted on 2012-07-07 by nakajima
鈴木寅二啓之(すずき とらじひろゆき) ■1966年静岡・磐田市生まれ ■美術学舎代表・アトリエ魚七主宰 ■顔の美の新しい可能性を長年にわたって探り、『顔の美術』という顔における新しい創造表現の世界を提唱する。■現代美術の分野では、墨・紙・顔料・土・バクテリアを用いた独自の手法で絵画を制作・発表し、神社や森での野外インスタレーションなどで自然との融合を試みる。
Toraji Hiroyuki Suzuki Born in 1966 in Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Currently director of Bijyutsugakusha (a school of art) and head of Atelier Uoshichi Toraji Hiroyuki Suzuki began his life of artistic expression when he was 15 years old. He has developed a unique method of artistic expression based on using Indian ink, paper, colors, soil and bacteria. Using this method, he has presented various works since 1992 including pictures and outdoor installations in shrines and forests that seek to create harmony with nature.
(鈴木氏 談)
土中絵画 (和紙に墨や顔彩で描いた後、土の中にある期間眠らせ掘りおこす作品)
実物は1200㍉×1200㍉です。わたしも結構好きな作品です。(鈴木氏 談)
(楽しいが作業は過酷なり♪ 鈴木氏 談)
(鈴木 寅二啓之)
Working with local children:wall plastering with clay and rope dyeing/binding
I wanted youngsters to discover some traditional techniques and the richness of creation, so I invited some local children to work together with me as I plastered the walls and bound red ropes for the shrine.
A local plaster craftsman, Nobuo Ohnishi, came as instructor while boy scouts from the 5th Ise Troop were invited to help with plastering. e youn gsters were a little uncertain in the beginning, but perhaps because they are Japanese and working with soil is part of their spirit, they relaxed and enjoyed the work in the end. Some even asked for second batch of plaster. ey worked earnestly and did a thorough job of finishing the walls.
ere were two steps to creating the ropes. First, we had to prepare the material by dyeing it red. With my plan for a red rope at each of the eight corners of Sarutahiko Dochu Jinja, this involved dyeing as much as 200 meters. I worked with Kunie Suzuki at my atelier in Yokohama. After dipping the white rope in the dye, we had to wring it out by hand. is was very hard work and took all of our strength.
dye was provided by Holbein Works, Ltd. As for the actual rope binding, Takashi Inaba, president of Inaba Rope Co. Ltd. of Ka magori City in Aichi Prefecture, came with employees and their families to participate in the work. ey instructed us in producing a red Shinto straw festoon using three ropes. Helping us that afternoon were children from Shinshu Municipal Elementary School as well as people living in the neighbourhood of the shrine. Together, we bound the straw festoon and hung it on Sarutahiko Dochu Jinja. is work requires considerable physical strength, because the ropes have to be wrung together to make the festoon. e children did their best and were fascinated by the way ropes were turned into a festoon.
Clay plastered walls have been used in traditional Japanese house since ancient times. ey breathe and are of earth itself. e red straw festoon symbolic ally binds heaven and earth.
My wish is that the children who took part have discovered a sense of Japan’s beauty at a deeper level through these experiences and have been touched by its richness.
Dying the rope
Plastering the wall
Binding the red rope
(Toraji Hiroyuki Suzuki)
美術作業工程 Art work process
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